THe stats in Canada are that one in six Canadian couples struggle with fertility issues.   Research has shown that acupuncture increases your chances of conception on its own or in combination with Western Medicine.  Stats show that doing acupuncture at the correct time can increase your chances of Conception with IVF by 80 percent.  Acupuncture helps with fertility by reducing stress, regulating hormones, getting your menstrual cycle optimal for pregnancy, promotes healthy and normal ovulation, and supports people through any sort of fertility challenges.  

Acupuncture works well in conjunction with both IUI and IVF procedures.  We have specific timing that we work with your body and cycle to get the best results.  We do not provide herbal supplements during the IVF or IUI procedures in order to not interact with the medications the doctors are providing.   We do provide lifestyle advice according to Chinese Medicine and help ease you through this process.  

Acupuncture excels at assisting with fertility with complicated situations like

  • Endometriosis

  • PCOS

  • Unexplained Fertility

  • Ovulation Problems (pain or lack of ovulation)

  • Irregular or dysfunctional menstrual cycles

  • Recurrent miscarriages

  • Low ovarian reserve

  • Low sperm counts, motility and volume 

How does acupuncture help these issues?

  • Regulating hormones and menstrual cycles to be regular and healthy again

  • Promoting ovulation and clearing fallopian tubes of dysfunction

  • Increasing bloodflow to the uterus and ovaries

  • Decreasing stress and anxiety, while promoting good sleep

  • Increasing libido

  • Increasing sperm count, motility and volume

  • supporting a healthy level of progesterone, decreasing luteal phase dysfunction

How do I get started?

  • Book your first appointment for an Initial Assessment and Treatment

  • We come up with an individualized plan for you or you and your partner for your fertility journey

  • You will recieve acupuncture, customized herbal formulas, diet advice and therapy as well as a lot of compassion and care to get you on track for your best chances of success

How long does it take to get pregnant?

Every couple has a unique situation.  Some couples concieve in the first month after starting acupuncture.  The average is 3-6 months after starting treatments.  In some peoples circumstances, things are more complex and can take some more time.  When you start your fertility journey you will feel better and be positive about the results as you find your symptoms reducing while your well-being begins increasing.

When you become pregnant we can support your journey with Obstetrics Acupuncture.  You can treat throughtout the pregnancy for conditions such as morning sickness, heartburn, back pain, poor sleep, anxiety, high blood pressure.  There are chinese medicine techniques to help with breech babies and to prep the mother for a better birth experience.  Induction is possible if necessary with acupuncture during the end stage of pregnancy with doctor approval.